2015 Pastors Conference

Between 80 and 90 pastors attended daily for Bible teaching over a 5-day period 5th to 9th October at Zioya, near Ntcheu, in southern Malawi. Those attending represented a wide cross-section of church denominations. Some had travelled over 100 miles to attend the conference and approximately 40 delegates stayed overnight. Few, if any, of the delegates had previously received any formal Bible teaching to assist them in their ministries.

The conference, now in its second year, is an extension ministry of ECRAD Malawi and serves pastors in rural communities unable to get any formal training for their ministries.

During the conference the Inductive Method of Bible Study was explained over four 1½ hour daily sessions. The course was run in the form of an interactive seminar with worked examples for delegates to develop their skills in Bible understanding and interpretation.  The greater part of each day was spent studying the Sermon on the Mount. Each day included two formal teaching sessions and two workshops or question and answer sessions. The Q&A sessions were most enlightening. Through the generosity of friends Bibles were presented to all delegates not having their own copy.

Pastors at Conference
Pastors at Conference

Prior to leaving the UK an outline of the teaching for all sessions was sent to Malawi where the English version was translated into Chichewa, the national language. Translated notes were emailed back to the UK and printed in A5 booklet form for issue to all those attending. Booklets were also printed in English for those preferring English copies. Pictured is a workshop session where use of both Bibles and booklets can be seen.



ECRAD at Ntcheu played host to 80-90 Pastors from near and far

Partially Complete School Building
Partially Complete School Building played host to the conference


Bike Park
Many arrived by Bike


Mobile Phone Charging
Mobile Phone Charging


The host for the week was Rev Hon Malison Ndau, a graduate of the former International Christian College, Glasgow. Malison, an ordained pastor, is also an MP and was appointed as Deputy Minister of Defence in the Malawi government in August 2015. Malison is also a Director of ECRAD, Malawi.

Pastor Conference Meal
Pastor Conference Meal


All delegates at the conference received two meals per day (breakfast and lunch). Those staying overnight also had an evening meal. Pictured right are two members of the catering team distributing lunch to a hungry delegate.

The conference budget was met by ECRAD Scotland who, with ECRAD Malawi, works to serve orphans.



Daily Teaching to up to 90 conference delegates

Bible Teaching at Conference
Bible Teaching at Conference


One of the many attending the conference
One of the many attending the conference


Conference Delegates
Conference Delegates



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