In September 2017 the Primary School at Zioya became the ECRAD Community School and is now administered by ECRAD.
The school will continue to serve the local community with over 700+ children registered, including 400 orphans, from 10 villages.
ECRAD has taken over the governance of the school to ensure a consistent education experience for the young boys and girls from Zioya and the villages of Kanyemba, Zimenyana, Kauwa, Muisa, Edward, Chibala, Daule, Malimwe and Kantema.

Education is critical to preparing the young people for their future and to give them every opportunity to make the most of their talents.
Some may go onto Secondary School, though with Secondary School not being free and a selection process in place, not many will be able to follow that path.
The good news is that primary education is free in Malawi and the school will be able to provide a good education to as many children as can fit.
ECRAD is responsible for the governance of the school, its teaching staff, all provisions ( paper! ) and running costs for the school – a significant undertaking.

Please pray for the Zioya Primary School , its staff and all its pupils.
That school will be a happy time for the boys and girls that attend, that they will be safe travelling to and from school each day and that they will receive an inspiring and varied education and sport program.
If you can, please consider practical support through giving regularly to ECRAD to enable it to support the teaching staff and school.
School Library - A New Addition
Every School needs a library and in 2019 , 1000s of books completed a long journey to their new home in the new Library inside Dereks Diner.

From Nursery to 8 years of Primary Education
ECRAD provides Nursery education and 8 years of Primary education with a mix of volunteers and 16 trained teaching staff. The school is supported by the local community and several governance groups with members from the community leaders, ECRAD and School to look after the various aspects of school life.
School life is not always easy with many opportunities still available to improve the classroom environment and the facilities of the school.
The classrooms are generally open spaces with the children sitting on the bare floor. There are some desks in use and these do make a difference to the learning experience.